20 National birds of different countries Lesser Known Facts World

20 National Birds of Different Countries

  • June 22, 2023

20 National Birds of Different Countries – The National Bird of a country represents the idea, culture, tradition, etc. That means it’s a symbol that reflects the country and what it stands for. So different country has different national birds. Some of them have historic believes, mythological ideas, cultural or traditional belief, or may be […]

National birds Nature Tourism World

10 National birds of different countries

  • February 14, 2022

10 National birds of different countries ; Here is the life of some famous country and their National Birds. 10 National birds of different countries and their scientific names 1.India – Peacock/Pavo cristatus 2.China – Red-crowned Crane/Grusjaponensis 3.Japan- Green Pheasant/(Phasianus versicolor) 4.USA- Bald Eagle/Haliaeetus leucocephalus 5.South Africa- Blue Crane/Anthropoides paradise 6.Mexico – Crested Caracara/Caracara plancus […]

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