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Facts About the Amazing Coconut Octopus

Facts About the Amazing Coconut Octopus

Facts About the Amazing Coconut Octopus : The Amphioctopus marginatus is also known as the veined octopus or ‘the Coconut Octopus’. It belongs to the family Octopodidae. This species is mostly found in the western part of the Pacific Ocean.

Facts About the Amazing Coconut Octopus

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Octopoda
Family: Octopodidae
Genus: Amphioctopus
Species: A. marginatus

Due to its similarity with coconut, it is popularly known as the coconut octopus. Like other octopuses, its size varies from 6 to 8 centimeters including its arms.

Fun Facts About Coconut Octopuses

1. The Females octopus lays nearly about 100,000 eggs

2. Reports say that this octopus has a special capacity for bipedal locomotion, which means it can move by using two limbs. This type of movement is called ‘Stilt Walking”.

3. It can do coloration to blend with its surroundings.

4. Adults octopuses usually die after completing their reproduction process.

5. It often carries trash and is used as a protective tool.

6. The color of its body is red-brown with dark lines that resemble veins that’s why often called a veined octopus. Like other octopuses, its size varies from 6 to 8 centimeters including its arms.

Amphioctopus marginatus - Coconut Octopus
Amphioctopus marginatus – Coconut Octopus

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